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Each parcel of land you look in may have its own dedicated phrases, but
generally speaking the utmost undivided status are found in the record
B&M = Brick & Mortar
B1G1F = Buy One Get One Free
BOGO = (the self as B1G1), Buy One, Get One (usually unconfined)
C/O = Cash Off or Cents Off
CPN = Coupon
CRT = Cash Register Tape
CSR = Customer Service Reps
CVS = A medical specialty/drug sales outlet similar Rite-Aid
DB = Dear/Darling/Darn Brother
DCRT = Dated Cash Register Receipt
DD* = Dear/Darling/Darn Daughter
DG = Dear/Darling/Darn Girlfriend
DH = Dear/Darling/Darn Husband
DND = Do Not Double
DS* = Dear/Darling/Darn Son
DUPES = Duplicates
DW = Dear/Darling/Darn Wife
EB = Extra Bucks (CVS)
ECB = Extra Care Bucks (CVS)
ESR = Easy Saver Rebate (Walgreens time unit refund)
FAB = From other Board
GC = Gift Certificate
GDA = Good do business alert
GWP = Gift With Purchase
H/F = Handling Fee
HT/HGT = Hang tag
ISO = In Search Of
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud and/or Lots of Luck
LPG = Lower Price Guarantee
LSASE = Long self addressed marked envelope
MIB = Mint in Box
MIL = Mother-in-Law
MMV = Mileage May Vary
MS = Mystery Shopper
NAZ = Name Address Zip code
NED = No termination date
NIB = New in box
NOCC = No Credit Card
NWOT = New WithOut Tags
NWT = New With Tags
OBO = Or Best Offer
PLMK = Please let me know
POB = Post Office Box
POP = Proof of Purchase
PP = Purchase Price
PPHF = PayPal Handling fee
PREM (Premium) = An item normative from a repayment extend.
PSTG = Postage
Qualifier (Q)= Proof of Purchase.
RAOK = Random Act of Kindness
RP = Rewards Programs
SAHM = Stay At Home Mom
SASE = Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
SMP = Specially Marked Packages
TMF = Try Me Free
TOS = Terms of Service
TTFN = Ta ta for now
TY/ty = Thank you
UNL = Unlimited
UPC = Universal Product Code
W/L or WL= Wish list
WAHM = Work at residence mom
Winetags = coupons saved in the region of the collar of a wine bottle
YMMV = Your Merchandise (or Mileage) May Vary
* (Add an S for maneuver _ so DSD is Dear/Darling/Darn Step-Daughter)